5 Popular Polyamorous Relationship Myths That People Assume Are True

by | Mar 30, 2020

Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

So I want to debunk some of the most popular polyamorous relationship myths.

1) It’s all about the sex

2) Polyamory is a cesspool for STI’s

People in polyamorous, or consensually non-monogamous relationships, often practice safe sex religiously. Research suggests that consensually non-monogamous people are much more conscientious about protecting themselves and their partners than people assume.

3) It’s exhausting

Polyamorous relationship  myths

4) Jealousy never happens

That’s probably the biggest misconception of all. Jealousy happens in poly relationships too. Practicing an alternative love style does not make us less human. You might even say we’re more likely to get jealous, simply because there are more opportunities for jealousy to arise.

But in my experience, jealousy is an opportunity to self-reflect. When jealousy happens, I take the time to identify what’s underneath.

What am I afraid of?
What story am I creating?
What emotion am I really feeling?

5) There’s not enough to go around

The high level of communication and self-awareness that is present between my partners and me affords a deep level of intimacy. Each relationship holds space for vulnerability, transparency, and raw emotion. And there’s more than enough to go around.

Love is not a pie. You don’t have to divide it up into tiny slivers to make sure everybody gets their piece. There’s no need to function like love is scarce. Love is available in limitless supply to all who are willing to open their hearts and let it flow.


The things that are valued and important in monogamous relationships are the same in polyamory. We are committed to one another and honor our agreements — just like you. The only difference is there’s “more than two.”

**This post contains affiliate links… any monies earned will go to fund my tea habit.**

This post first appeared on Medium.com

Stacey Herrera

Stacey Herrera is an Intimacy & REALationship coach, writer, and creator of The Sensuality Project,

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