Feeling feelings

My body is sensitive. I can feel everything, all the time. Of course I was not always aware that I could feel so much, because I learned how to numb out at a very young age. Like most women, I was not encouraged to feel as a child. There were no conversations about...

I am still working on it…

To love yourself as you are is a miracle, and to seek yourself is to have found yourself, for now. And now is all we have, and love is who we are.  – Anne Lamott Hello Love… I’ve been thinking about love a lot lately. Not about falling in love, which...

Sensuality is a spiritual practice

“Sensuality isn’t worth a hair more than spirituality, and it’s the same the other way around. It’s all one, everything is equally good. Whether you embrace a woman or make a poem, it’s the same. So long as the main thing is there, the love,...

S.E.W. – Sexually Empowered Woman

I am sick and tired of the shaming of the S.E.W. (sexually empowered woman). You know the woman who knows that she is fucking sexy and is unapologetic about it. The ones who can rock a pair of stilettos or flip-flops, and still ooze the same amount of sensual mojo....

The crushes of youth

My very first crush was a boy who looked a lot like Ricky Schroeder, with no silver spoon. He had a blond bowl cut and he loved basketball. I have no idea what his name was. I didn’t know any of his friends. I didn’t know what classes he took or whether he was smart...

This body is where I live

There was a time when I did not honor my body. I did know how to be in this body. I did not know how to live in this body. I did not know how to listen to this body. And I most certainly did not know how to respect this body. I consumed things without consideration...