Cartoons, Sealed Tombs, and 6-word Stories

I have curated a delicious list for you this week… any by delicious I do not mean all pleasant. The reason I have decided to include some not-so-favorite things on this weekly list is because life is not all sweet. But the contrast adds to the sweetness of the other...

Masturbation, the Power of Intuition, & Kissing Fools

I am already enjoying curating this weekly list! Knowing that I am going to write this post helps me to pay more attention to the things that I enjoy and the things that are meh. Awareness abounds!  So here’s what I’ve got for you in this week’s Directory of...
How do we cure skin hunger in men?

How do we cure skin hunger in men?

Photo: Photo by Thomas Bonometti on Unsplash The other day while belting tunes in an unfamiliar karaoke bar I witnessed something really beautiful… straight men. Not that straight men are an unusual sight, but what was unusual about this sighting was that they were...