by Stacey Herrera | Feb 28, 2018 | Podcast Archives
Womanhood is a continuous rite of passage. We are in a constant state of becoming. Evolving and growing. Shrinking and expanding. We are our mothers as much as we are ourselves. And we are now being inaugurated into the new old world. A world where autonomy is...
by Stacey Herrera | Feb 7, 2018 | Podcast Archives
We are living in a time where diversity is rising to the surface. We are being called to embrace our sameness as well as our differences. That means looking at every facet of our humanity and accepting what is currently real and true. We are all at different points on...
by Stacey Herrera | Jan 31, 2018 | Podcast Archives
2018 is in full effect and the energy is very different than the previous year. I am feeling divinely led to take my time and cultivate an environment that feels nourishing and sustainable. While simultaneously allowing myself to explore new things, entertain big...
by Stacey Herrera | Jan 17, 2018 | Podcast Archives
Women’s empowerment is at the forefront of every conversation these days. Voices are speaking up, what has gone on in the dark is being dragged into the light, and “Times Up” has become a battle-cry. Gone are the days of turning the...
by Stacey Herrera | Jan 10, 2018 | Podcast Archives
Womanhood is a multidimensional experience. We birth nations and carry the weight of the world on our backs. The pain of our foremothers is twined in the helix, transmitted generation after generation. Trauma has been sewn in the lining of our womb… and still,...
by Stacey Herrera | Jan 3, 2018 | Podcast Archives
Relationships… it all comes back to that, right? How we relate to everything and everyone in our environment informs the quality of our lives. Yet, we spend so little time investing, really investing, in the relationships that mean the most to us. Life is bigger...