Treadmills, sweat, and perfect moments

This morning started out pretty typical. I got up early (as usual) and made breakfast for the fam (as usual). Once everyone was out of the house I did what I always do, washed dishes. Then since I’d promised myself that I wouldn’t make any excuses about...

Seek Within

“Everything in the Universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.” – Rumi     I love watching people. The way they move. The expressions on their faces. I like to listen to the words they speak, while hearing everything that is unsaid. I see the pain behind...

Trust is not what you think it is

I often hear people refer to trust as something that occurs outside of themselves. A transaction that takes place between two or more people. We’ve been conditioned to think that people must “earn” our trust. But I don’t believe the hype. I...

Guilt has a big mouth

You ever notice that when people feel guilty (especially if they’re lying) they get the worse case of verbal diarrhea? All of a sudden they begin to answer questions that you haven’t even asked. Their heart begins to race, beads of sweat pepper their brow,...

Radical Selfish T.L.C.

“To thine own self be true” – William Shakespeare February is the month when Cupid gets to spread love far and near. Roses are plucked and arranged by the truckload. Chocolate gets melted, molded, and devoured. Men everywhere are given a golden...

Relationship: Party of Three?

Traditionally speaking, most romantic relationships are between two people. Or are they?  I believe that there is always a third party involved. Party number three is usually uninvited, but it doesn’t have to be that way. You can choose your own third wheel, or...