The Other Woman

I get cold when I’m scared. I shut down and clam up. I look mean. I don’t make eye contact. I bark, gripe, and complain.  The people who love me have seen this woman, cold and callous. They have been in the same room with her frigid energy and tight jaw....

Our dis-connected world…

While there are more opportunities to connect now than there ever has been in the history of the world, in a lot of ways we are more disconnected than we’ve ever been.  More and more people are typing instead of talking. People are breaking up, spilling beans, and...

Lesson #4 “When people show you who they are…”

Despite what you see on the news, humans are mostly good. While we are all capable of egregious acts, we also have an enormous capacity for goodness. Knowing that this conflict exists has always caused me a great deal of trouble.  See I am big on the whole benefit of...

Lesson #3: Time Travel is Real

Time travel is not only possible, but you do it all the time. I know you might believe that time travel is just some Sci-fi concept dreamt up by H.G. Wells for entertainment purposes, but I beg to differ.   Don’t stop reading now… let me prove it to you. In any...

Lesson #2: Earn your degree at The School of Life

I’m a big supporter of higher education. I have taken more courses than I can name in more subjects than I can count. In fact some of the most defining moments of my life occurred in the four walls of a classroom – some is the operative word in this sentence....