by Stacey Herrera | May 6, 2016 | Blog
Pleasure. I used to think that it was not only natural, but I thought it was instinctive. I was under the assumption that I willingly embraced just about anything that felt good. But that is not entirely accurate. Yes, I like to feel good. Yes, I enjoy the...
by Stacey Herrera | Mar 24, 2016 | Blog
Your body remembers Your body is designed to shed and replenish. It creates and destroys, stores and empties, and it keeps what is needed and lets go of the rest. It is designed to release everything that does not serve the highest good for every single cell. But when...
by Stacey Herrera | Mar 17, 2016 | Blog
No more shrinking I often find myself shrinking at the thought of success. I have never once feared failure, because I know that the only way I can fail is to either not try or give up. And quitting is not in my DNA. I see opportunity in hardship, challenges are...
by Stacey Herrera | Mar 2, 2016 | Blog
Noiselessness When grief has come to call. When devastation has knocked the world off its axis. When the well of love has run completely dry. Sometimes there are no words. The language of understanding is often void of syllables. Pain needs space. There is no need to...
by Stacey Herrera | Jan 14, 2016 | Blog
who says your stretchmarks aren’t jewels? who says they aren’t glitter trails? who says divinity does not breathe through your stretchmarks? who says life does not admire herself through your stretch marks? tweet this that planets do not align along your...
by Stacey Herrera | Jan 4, 2016 | Blog
Don’t fall – falling in love is so 1980. If you really want to experience real love, walk in with your eyes wide shut and your heart splayed like a starfish. While your hormones are raging, keep an open mind. Feel your way through. And be honest, with you and...