Sun and Cirrus Clouds --- Image by © Royalty-Free/CorbisThis morning started out pretty typical. I got up early (as usual) and made breakfast for the fam (as usual). Once everyone was out of the house I did what I always do, washed dishes. Then since I’d promised myself that I wouldn’t make any excuses about exercising today, I got on the treadmill. After four miles and two episodes of Stike Back, I was feeling pretty damn accomplished. Then something extraordinary happened.

Since I’d worked up a pretty good sweat, I decided to take time to cool off, properly. Years ago, I got right in the shower after working out and then I fainted (yes while I was in the shower); I survived the fall with a bump on the head, a broken toe, and a lesson learned. So anyway now I know better.

I spread a towel on the floor of my bedroom, took off all my clothes, and lied down. There was a gentle breeze blowing through the windows, the sun was beaming on my face through the skylight, and the birds were chatting it up. I could hear the wind chimes on the house next door. The quiet hum of cars driving down the street. There was a dog barking in the distance and the trees were rustling just so. The world was awake and alive and so was I. Everything was exactly as it should be. I had everything that I needed in that moment. And there was no place else in the world I wanted to be. It was the most perfect moment I’ve experienced in a very long time.

Why don’t I have these moments more often?

The answer is simple. Presence.

I get so caught up thinking about the next thing to do, where I need to be, or who I need to contact, that I forget to be here. Here in the present, where real life is actually happening. Here in the space that I occupy, where I have enough and I am enough.

I know that here is all there really is, but I forget so easily. Today I remembered and I’m so glad that I did.

When was the last time you recognized a perfect moment?