This is 40 Blog Series .png

Since turning 40 last fall, I’ve done a lot of reflecting. Thinking about the things that went well and the things that went terribly wrong. I’ve had a ton of experiences over the last 40 years.

I have…

made friends

developed relationships

walked away

opened up

shut down

took leaps

resisted temptation


and so much more…

I want to share some of the greatest lessons and teaching moments of my life (thus far). So over 40 non-consecutive weeks, I will be sharing what I’ve learned. I hope that you will find these lessons useful. Some are funny, while others are painful, but each one changed me on a cellular level. 

Feel free to be entertained. Take what resonates and leave the rest.


P.S. – Life happened… and the lessons have not been published every week as planned. I’m okay with that, are you? But the lessons are still coming… which is all that matters 🙂


Let the lessons begin…

  1. Love Hurts Sometimes
  2. Earn your degree at the School of Life
  3. Time travel is real
  4. When people show you who they are…
  5. Your life can’t expand if there’s no room
  6. If you’re not sure if you’ve ever had an orgasm…
  7. If you don’t do anything else… make your bed
  8. Reading is fundamental
  9. It’s not him… it’s you.
  10. Permission granted
  11. Love means saying you’re sorry – a lot