I didn’t have a clue about self-love when I was younger. It wasn’t taught in school and I didn’t learn it at home either. My parents were born in an era when self-love was not something that was openly discussed or practiced. They were taught to do what needed to be done, which didn’t include self-love, self-compassion, or self-reflection.
I don’t remember exactly when I began practicing self-care, but I’m sure I was pretty close to 30. Even then, I wasn’t sure how to go about loving myself without forgetting everyone else.
I felt guilty about putting myself first. As a wife and mother, it was my job to make sure that my family was taken care of. Homework, laundry, shopping, cooking, cleaning, and work always came first. The leftover time and energy was for me, and that was never very much.
Over the years I’ve learned that if I don’t take care of myself, first, I can’t take care of anybody else. Self-love deficiency can be described as burnout.The symptoms show up in a variety of ways:
Aches Pain
Trouble Sleeping
I’m sure you’ve experienced one or more of these symptoms, at some point in your life. You probably described it as “stress.” But what is stress exactly?
Merriam Webster:
☞ Stress |’stres|: a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life, work, etc.
I don’t know about you, but when I feel loved and supported, mental tension and worry melts away. And there is no one better qualified to love and support me, than me. I deserve the same kind of love and support that I give to the people I love most.
- When they’re tired, I encourage them to rest.
- When they’re hungry, I feed them.
- When they’re lonely, sad, or scared, I comfort them.
- When they’re feeling discouraged, I encourage them.
- When they’ve done something great, I celebrate them.
- When they’re working toward a goal, I lend a hand.
I can do all of those things for myself too. And when all of my needs are met, there is more of myself to give.
Taking care of myself is the best thing I can do for the people I love. (click to tweet) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
It is my wish for women all over the world to wholeheartedly love themselves, every single day. That they will be empowered to nourish their bodies, their minds, and their spirits.
I recently collaborated with my dear friend Caroline Kirk and a group of truly phenomenal women to create this powerful eBook:
Lessons in Self-love:
Life Stories of Women Who are Changing Their World
By Finding Their Worth
This book contains over 20 inspiring stories, from women who have overcome limiting beliefs, physical abuse, illness, addiction, and more. Raw and insightful. Vulnerable and brave.
This is my story.
This is your story.
These are our stories.
You are also invited to join our private Facebook group, where you’ll receive inspiration, encouragement and support in the areas of self-love and self-worth.
“A safe, sacred place for women to connect, to laugh, to grow in self love.”
**This ebook is no longer available.**
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