No more shrinking

I often find myself shrinking at the thought of success.  

I have never once feared failure, because I know that the only way I can fail is to either not try or give up. And quitting is not in my DNA. 

I see opportunity in hardship, challenges are occasions for expansion, and backing down is a choice. But when it comes to the thought of success, I shrink.

I have never struggled with self-esteem or lack of self-confidence. I know my worth and I know that I provide value in my work. I do not entertain mediocrity and I am clear about the fact that my success is inevitable. And that scares the bejesus out of me.

This fear of success is not mine. It is not something I conjured up for myself. My success fright is the result of all the years I was plagued by the too’s.

You talk too much.

You are too big. 

You are too loud.

You are such a know-it-all.

These phrases have been stitched into the lining of my soul. The fullness I embody is all too often eclipsed by the thought of being too much (fill in the blank)

And yes, I’ve done the work. I have explored the archives of my beliefs and their origin. I have prayed, meditated, and rambled incantations. I have scanned my chakras and purged my energy field. And while the fear is less pronounced than it once was, it still exists.

When passion comes to call my heart swells and the sound of my voice increases by a decibel or two. New thoughts and ideas cause my excitement to go into overdrive and it can be felt from miles away. The zealousness that often accompanies inspiration is multiplied tenfold for me. And the truth is…

I talk A LOT.

My personality is BIG.

My voice is LOUD.

I am SMART. 

Enthusiasm is a choice that I choose regularly, optimism is my default setting, and I know a little about a lot of things. But I am not TOO MUCH of anything… and neither are you.


  ♥ You are done shrinking for those who are overwhelmed by your muchness. 

  ♥ You will not continue to diminish your shine because it hurts the eyes of those who dare not twinkle.

  ♥ And from this day forward you will refuse to recoil at the mention of triumph, in an effort to quiet the voices that do not belong to you. 


Now say it with me:

I am declaring my freedom… No more shrinking! (tweet this)