Is Your Picker Broken?

October 24, 2024

Your picker isn’t broken, my love. Don’t worry. You are not doomed to repeat the same relationship patterns forever.

Episode 5 of Love Is… is a deep dive into why the “wrong” one might be one of your greatest teachers and how every connection —even the baddies —can catapult growth.

Relationships are not vending machines for happiness. But they are fertilizers for evolution. 

Get ready to shift your focus from “who” you’re picking to how you’re showing up, and discover how to use curiosity to disrupt those pesky patterns. 

Reminder: All timing is divine. 

You have the power to shape your story, and love is evolution. So let’s make shift happen!


Mentioned in episode 5:

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“Is Busy Your Perfect Alibi?”

“Is Busy Your Perfect Alibi?”

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