43 relationship factoids + suggestions
Oct 5, 2016 | Blog

43 relationship factoids + suggestions (in no particular order):
- If you struggle to “get” a man/woman or “keep” a man/woman… your mindset needs an adjustment.
- Never compare your last relationship to your current one.
- If you believe that all men are dogs… you’ll likely date and/or marry a dog.
- Without respect there is no love – period.
- Women are wired for connection… so if you think you “don’t need a man/woman,” you’re right… but you want one. Admit it.
- No matter why your last relationship ended, there is a piece that you must own. Accountability is everything.
- It is not your partner’s job to manage your feelings.
- You bring a lifetime of experience to every situation… and whatever is going on in the present is never about what’s happening right now.
- Relationships require routine maintenance, just like your car.
- You must have a life outside of your relationship. Nourish your friendships too.
- Truth is widely subjective.
- Disagreements are healthy.
- Words hurt.
- Peace is possible.
- Communication is necessary.
- Laughter is essential.
- It’s only as serious as you make it.
- There is no black or white, only shades of grey.
- People only change when THEY are ready, not when YOU are ready.
- There is no single definition for infidelity. Come to a mutual agreement – early.
- Sex matters.
- Social media can ruin your relationship – fast.
- Drama is optional.
- Regular cuddles will strengthen your bond… and decrease pain frequency too.
- Opposites really do attract. You really don’t want to be with someone just like you – trust me.
- Love it largely biological.
- Hormones are real.
- It’s healthy to be attracted to someone other than you partner (acting on that attraction is a different story)
- Self-consciousness destroys intimacy. Instantly
- Gratitude makes a difference.
- Kissing improves dental hygiene. (true story)
- Love makes everything taste better.
- Your soulmate enters your life to help you evolve. And that doesn’t always mean staying together.
- You will seek someone who can hurt/disappoint you in familiar ways.
- Asking for what you want increases your chance of fulfillment.
- Focusing on the qualities you enjoy about your parter will improve the health of your relationship.
- Intimacy and sex are two different things, that sometimes intersect.
- Disinterest is the leading cause of divorce. (my opinion, but it’s 100% accurate)
- Don’t ask for more than you’re willing to give.
- When you take care of yourself, you are taking care of your partner.
- Energy is a 3rd party in every relationship.
- Don’t ever stop flirting with each other.
- The things you don’t say are always more harmful than the things you do.