It's the time of the month

It’s the time of the month, when she has it her way. 

I was supposed to go hiking this morning. I was invited by my daughter’s former girl scout leaders, two wonderful women who were like second moms to my kid.

I opted out of the hike because my moon cycle has my lower back in a tizzy and my abdomen inflated.  

I was taught to power through the menstrual experience. You know, take a pill, knuckle down, and keep it moving. But I no longer subscribe to that lunacy.  

During this time of the month I am so much more in tune with my body. I can hear everything she says, I can give her what she needs. 

She likes to cocoon during this time. 

To nest and gather energy from the ether.  

She likes solitude and softness.  

Warm showers and quiet scents.  

Peppermint tea, with cream, sugar, and a hint of vanilla.  

She talks less and listens more.  

She is calm, with an edge.  

This is the time of the month when honoring my body is most important. (tweet this) 

When self-care and body love take on a more potent meaning. Stillness and comfort; introversion, without disconnection.  

I intend to respond to texts and phone calls, but maybe not today. I will read books that feed me, and write by hand. There will be naps, more than two, I think. Perhaps a slow walk by the marina, not very likely. There is a concert tonight and I would like to go, but only if she wants to. We will see how she feels later.

Patchouli wafting through the air. Miles on repeat. Maybe a warm cookie or two. Love and hugs all around, she really loves hugs!