Issue 5 | September 27, 2024

Can you feel it? That crisp air, the rustle of leaves 🍂 beneath your feet, that subtle shift in the light… Autumn is here! At least in the western hemisphere

This time of year feels like an invitation to allow things to fall away.

Just as trees surrender their leaves, we can also release what no longer serves. 

Think surrender… renewal… nourishment… comfort.

Grab your favorite cozy sweater, pour yourself something warm (pumpkin spice optional but encouraged 😉), and let’s get into it:

  • Intention: Creating space for growth and possibility.
  • Reflection: What beliefs, patterns, or habits are you ready to release?
  • Pause: Sitting in the bittersweetness of release and the wonder of newness.
  • Wisdom: Make peace with endings.
  • Practice: Give form to your intentions.


Creating space for growth and possibility

You know that feeling of levity that washes over you when you finally clear out that overflowing closet? The sweet relief, that sense of lightness, that buzz of what-could-be-ness that only comes from making space?

That’s what we’re cultivating this season. 

It’s about more than getting rid of last year’s jeans —it’s more about making room for something else. For growth. For expansion. For things you don’t even know you want —yet.

What would happen if you approached life with that same energy?
What might be possible if you loosened your grip on the familiar?
What if you need to make more room for who you are becoming?

Now is a great time to get curious about the spaces in your life.

Where could a little “falling away” create room for something amazing to grow?



What beliefs, patterns, or habits are you ready to release?

Everyone has go-to behaviors and habits that are so automatic that they require little to no thought. 

Reaching for your phone in the middle of the night. Shuffling to the kitchen to pour that first cup of morning joe while your brain is still trying to get up off the pillow. 

But here’s the thing: just because you know it by heart doesn’t mean it’s serving you.

Take a beat. Deep inhale through your nose. Now ask yourself:

  • What old story am I ready to rewrite?
  • What “should” can I let go of to make room for my heart’s desire?
  • What habit do I know-like-I-know has overstayed its welcome?

No judgment. No labels. No shame. 

Extend “unconditional friendliness” to yourself as you honestly reflect for the sole purpose of choosing what aligns with who you are and who you’re becoming.


Sit in the bittersweetness and the wonder

Change is not an all-or-nothing proposition. 

Not all celebration, not all grief. 

More often than not, it’s a mix of anticipation and hopefullness. It’s the intersection of what was and what is, which can be uncomfortable.

Yes and’s are like that. 

But don’t resist the discomfort. Be with it. Sit with it.

There is wisdom in the in between. 

If you’re feeling a bit tender about letting go —that just means what you’re releasing mattered. 

And if your stomach is doing somersaults, that’s good, too. Flutters often precede shifts. 

If you’re some place safe and you can close your eyes do so. 

Feel the energy coursing through you. Feel the ground beneath your feet. The seat beneath your bum. And know that you are loved and supported. Always, in all ways.


“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” – Seneca

And you thought that was just a song lyric from Semisonic!

I love this quote (and I dig the song, too) because it reminds me that endings and beginnings are two sides of the same coin. 

Starting lines —finish lines.

January 1st —December 31st.

The dream job you landed after you left the shItty one. The healthy, loving relationship that blossomed in the space left by the ones who walked away.

This new season, with all its palpable shifts and changes, doesn’t just mark the end of summer. It ushers in the beginning of something new and different. 

And it’s okay if you can’t see the full picture yet —you will.


Give form to your intentions

So you’ve got your intention. Now it’s time to bring it into reality. Because an intention without action, is just a wish, right?

So here are a few ways to give form to everything we’ve been talking about:

  1. Ritual: Write down what you intend to release on a piece of paper. Use a lead pencil —because alchemy. Then, tear the piece of paper into little tiny pieces or burn it (safely, of course). Then, release it into moving water (down the drain or toilet).
  2. Make space – literally: Choose a drawer, a shelf, or even just a corner of a room. Clear it out completely. Sit with the empty space for a bit. Then, mindfully choose what to put back. Keep only what feels aligned or lights you up.
  3. Start a “New Beginnings” journal: Dedicate a few minutes each day to exploring what you want to cultivate in this new season. Give yourself permission to go there —dream BIG!

Remember, practice makes better. Showing up for yourself, one small action at a time, is how you build self-trust.

I’m so proud of you. For being here, for being open to change, for learning into the messiness of growth.

You’re amazing!


But wait… there’s more!